
About Nancy

I’m an ordinary person who lived a childhood filled with both sweet and challenging moments. Since I was young, I’ve always loved to laugh and bring joy to those around me. It all started when I was just three years old, and my mom, who worked, would leave me in daycare. My teacher used to tell her, “Nancy stands in front of the class all day, entertaining everyone with stories from her imagination.” That’s where my talent for storytelling began. Even as I grew older, in school and university, I would always study as if I was teaching someone, simplifying information through a story.

At the age of 15, I happened to see the late Dr. Ibrahim El-Fiky on TV. His words resonated with me, and I’ll never forget when he said, “You are responsible for your inner feelings, regardless of external events.” That phrase changed my life and made my passion clearer. I began to learn, observe myself, and work on developing my skills, behaviors, and habits.

Like anyone, I’ve faced challenges and difficulties—what we call trials. I’ve experienced sadness, anxiety, lack of self-confidence, loneliness, and many forms of pain. When I moved to Australia with my children, that’s when my deep personal journey truly began. Without family, without friends, the only one I had was God, who has always been my source of strength. I started searching for a deeper meaning in my life and studied many certifications such as life skills, emotional intelligence, balancing the mind and heart, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), eventually becoming a trainer and even a trainer of trainers.

I believed in myself and my ability to help both myself and others. Today, I offer personal and group trainings and provide internationally accredited certifications for those who want to develop themselves and help others.

I believe that if anyone can achieve something, you can too.

Start with yourself first, then help others.

Everything around us changes when we change ourselves.

I’m grateful for every person, event, and moment that I’ve experienced, which has contributed to who I am today.

I wish you all happy and peaceful hearts and all the success, and I invite you to allow me to assist you in your unique and special journey.

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